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Christmas Social Narratives to Help Your Child Prepare for the Holiday

Cover of a social narrative, "What to Expect at Christmas"

A social narrative is a written description of an upcoming situation, often accompanied by pictures, to help a student understand what will happen in the situation and what the student will be expected to do (National Autism Center, 2015). You can also write a social narrative for a situation that a student faces on a regular basis, if he or she has behavioral challenges in that situation. Social narratives should be written with a positive and supportive tone, with the goal of helping a child feel less anxious about an upcoming situation and/or know what to expect. The most well-known social narratives are called Social Stories™. You can read more about this approach in this book:

I've also written a social narrative that you can read with your children to help them prepare for holiday events. The story has blank spaces where you can write in your family's specific plans for the holiday. You can download the story for free here:

Here's a story about Christmas parties at school written by another special education teacher:


National Autism Center (2015). National Standards Report. Retrieved from

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