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Basic Skills Checklists For Starting Your School Year

Basic Skills Checklists: Teacher-Friendly Assessment for Students with Autism or Special Needs by Marlene Breitenbach

Hey everyone! I just wanted to share a book of quick and easy assessment forms that I've used many times over the years. This book is great to use as you start your homeschool year to get an idea of what your child's current skills are and how you can work on the skills during the year.

Each page in the book is a checklist for a certain skill area (such as matching, sorting, sequencing, letters, schedule use, clerical skills, money use, and more). The checklists are not just great for initial assessments, I think they are great for progress tracking. For example, on the "Colors" checklist, it allows you to record when the student mastered matching colors, identifying colors, reading the color word, and spelling the color word for each color.

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